down2earth_46, 46 in Wickwar, Gloucestershire

down2earth_46, 46 years old
Difficult to know how to sum yourself up and what to put in a box like this, so I\’ll say just this. I\’m basically an average person with a very real search, I\’m 101 per cent straight, married, and hopefully a good type of person to be around! I\’m seeking a down-to-earth guy, perhaps a similar age, who\’s perhaps also married, not single, who is also genuinely missing stuff in his own life. I can\’t respond to empty profiles i.e. no picture, no info, or \”winks and favourites\”, or unpleasant, crude messages. I hope that sound fair enough.I\’m probably about the most average person here, but I do believe I\’ve a hell of a lot to share with somebody. I\’m a quieter type, and give thought to things, so if you want an over the top type of person, I\’m not for you. Anyway, that\’s my search. I\’ve summed it up pretty well I hope, so I feel there\’s no need to say more at this point except if your search corresponds, and you\’re an open and friendly type who can talk frankly about situations and life etc. please give me a shout! Cheers for looking at my few lines, good luck to you.

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new4you, 44 in Newcastle, Down

new4you, 44 years old
I am just looking at the moment as I\’m very new to this site. I\’m no beginner though. When I\’m ready to chat to you, I\’ll pick non-pushy, polite, clean and intelligent guys with average or above cocks and who are strictly between 30 and 49 years old (as tempting as you 20 something\’s are) In the meantime, I will post pictures and be sure I\’ll be looking at your pictures with my fingers in my wet pussy! X

Visit: for more photos.

judgejules, 42 in Letchworth, Hertfordshire

judgejules, 42 years old
HiI am a married woman playing around. I am looking for tall, good looking, educated, VWE guys who take care of themselves for erotic exploration and adventures. I have enjoyed company before but am by no means a hardened or serialplayer. I am not vulgar so to attract my attention neither will you be, I am respectful and expect the same in return.

Visit: for more photos.

darkdelight40, 40 in Wainfleet, Lincolnshire

darkdelight40, 40 years old
Hi there,Looking for a Younger White Male. Must be 6ft+ Tall…..Athletic Body, Intelligent, Articulate and Charming…as personality is a big must for me and being mentally stimulated floats my boat!…Also a man who is confident, but not too cocky!….though being cocksure excites me ….sometimes!!! ; )…. There\’s nothing better than a confident man who knows what he wants and how to get it, and who knows what he\’s doing!

Visit: for more photos.

seeshell72, 43 in Poynton with Worth, Cheshire

seeshell72, 43 years old
I wanted to try this and see if it really works lol. Not looking for any hassle, just a regular f.buddy with no strings and lots of fun.If you would like to know anything else then drop me a message.I have more pics which I don\’t mind sharing as long as there is some spark between us and you have shown me yours! oh and yeah I\’m married, so what!?? lol x

Visit: for more photos.

forbiddenfruit, 44 in Boroughbridge, Yorkshire

forbiddenfruit, 44 years old
Im a married woman in need of some extra male attention but please be aware that i have rules. im not bothered if you are married or not and not really hung up on age but i would want you to be able to satisfy me as well so no selfish people please! I had an affair about 10 yrs ago and it was the thrill of the forbidden I enjoyed the most so come tempt me! I do have pics but no face as I have to be careful.

Visit: for more photos.